Don’t give in! (to online)

The holiday season is in its final stretch, and you know what that means: “screw it ill just get something from Amazon.” But before you succumb to ease of online or the chaos of the big box stores, let me tell you why you should consider shopping local this holiday season.

I absolutely love when someone gives me a gift and lights up telling me where they got it from. “I was traveling and we just walked across the street and saw this and I thought of you because of that one time” - that is almost more meaningful than the gift itself.

1. Unique Gifts That Won't Get Regifted:

Big brands are all about mass production, meaning you're likely to see the same generic gifts everywhere you go. Do you really want to be that person whose aunt ends up with yet another fruitcake (or worse, a regifted one)? Tiktok trends, no matter how cute, are mass produced. (duh)

When you shop local, you're supporting small businesses that offer unique and handcrafted gifts. You can find anything from hand-knitted scarves to gourmet chocolates, all made with love and attention to detail. Plus, you'll get the satisfaction of supporting your community and avoiding the awkwardness of giving a gift that's already been circulating the family for years.

2. Personal Service That Makes You Feel Like a VIP:

Forget navigating the self-checkout lanes and battling other shoppers for assistance. When you shop local, you'll receive personalized service from passionate owners and employees who actually know their products. They can help you find the perfect gift, offer gift wrapping, and even share their favorite holiday recipes (because who doesn't love a good food tip?). 

3. Supporting the Underdogs (and Avoiding the Grinch-like Crowds):

Big corporations are like the Grinch, taking all the joy out of the holiday season with their commercialism and mass production. Small businesses, on the other hand, are like Santa's workshop elves, working hard to create something special and spread holiday cheer. By shopping local, you're supporting the underdogs, helping them compete with the big guys, and keeping the spirit of the season alive.

4. Avoiding the "I-Bought-This-Online-and-It-Looks-Nothing-Like-the-Picture" Disappointment:

We've all been there: you order something online that looks amazing in the picture, only to be met with disappointment when it arrives. I’ll admit, i've fallen victim to ads. With local businesses, you can see and touch the products before you buy them, ensuring you get exactly what you want. Plus, you'll avoid the stress of returns and shipping delays, leaving you more time to enjoy the holidays.

5. Contributing to a Vibrant Community:

When you shop local, your money stays in your community, supporting local businesses, creating jobs, and contributing to the overall economic health of your town. This helps to create a vibrant and thriving community where everyone benefits. Plus, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that you're making a positive impact on the place you call home.

So, with the few remaining days of the holiday shopping season, don’t recuse yourself to the ease of online, and head to your local shops. You'll find unique gifts, receive personalized service, support the underdogs, avoid online shopping disasters, and contribute to a vibrant community. And who knows, you might even find yourself laughing with the quirky shop owners and experiencing the true magic of the holidays. Happy shopping


Happy Holidays From us at Bards Clothing


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